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40 Year Old · Female · From Bolingbrook, IL · Joined on May 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 14th
40 Year Old · Female · From Bolingbrook, IL · Joined on May 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 14th

IM me at my yahoo id- charmingshaina008

There are 3 things which literally rules my life: 1. Love- it has always been & will be the first that gives me true fulfillment and joy. I love and deeply respect all the people who cares for me. They form the core support structure of my life. I long to make genuine friends w/ whom i want to grow up, take a walk, climb mountains, go backpacking, exchange thoughts and just do anything.. The best thing about me is that, i don't have any prejudices and am not all choosy when it comes to people. I consider everyone as unique & individuals w/ their own plus & minuses. Like others, i too have had a major shares of blues but i don't let that influence my life. I strongly believe that the more you fail, the more you are learning.. If there's a greater pleasure in giving, i don't wait for someone to cheer me up, but instead, i go out of my way to cheer up anybody who needs more help and attention.. 2. Search of knowledge- I am always fascinated to know how the hearts of men & women work. How things happen & why? How the sun rises & disappears? I long to experience tons of opportunities life has to offer.. and 3. My family- I love my family very much, They're my source of strength and courage.

40 Year Old · Female · From Bolingbrook, IL · Joined on May 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 14th

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