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51 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on May 8, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 17th · I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on May 8, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 17th · I have a crush on someone!

~~~~~~The Masters Creed~~~~~

Above all else he cherishes his slave, in the knowledge that the gift she gives him is the greatest gift of all. He is demanding and takes full advantage of the power given to him, but knows how to share the pleasure that comes from that precious gift.

He is in control of himself first and foremost, so that he may control others. As a stern and demanding Master, he can cause his slave to cry real tears. As the consummate lover, he will then kiss the tears away, without stepping out of character.

In times of trouble, a Master will leave the roles behind, to be a supportive friend and partner, never forgetting that this is still a loving relationship between two caring individuals. He is quick to understand the differences between fantasy and reality. He would never ask a slave to put him before her career, or family, just to satisfy his own pleasure.

To win his slave's mind, body, spirit, soul, and love, he knows he must first win her trust. He will show his slave humour, kindness, and warmth. He must always show her that his guidance and tutoring is knowledgeable and deserving of her attention, that this is a man she can learn from, and trust his direction.

He is romantic enough to be protective and chivalrous. When called upon, he will fight for his lady's honour. He proves to her that he is someone she can lean on, and depend on.

When it comes time to teach his slave her lessons of obedience, he is a strong and unyielding professor. He will accept no flaw, nothing less than perfection from his student. Never does he use discipline without a good reason. When he does it is always with a knowledgeable and careful hand.

He is always open to communication and discussion, always ready to hear her wants and needs. He is patient, taking time to learn her limits, and knowing that as her trust of him , grows so will they. He never has to demand ritual behaviour by her. She responds to him out of the want of pleasing him. Compliance comes from the wanting to please, not the fear of punishment. He understands the fragile nature of mind and body and never violates the trust given to him.

He is secure enough to laugh at himself and the absurdities of life. Open minded enough to learn new things. Strong enough to grow. His tools are mind, body, spirit, soul, and love. He understands that each partner gains most from pleasuring the other. And both of them knows that love and trust are the only bindings that truly hold.

51 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on May 8, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 17th · I have a crush on someone!



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You have the right to be treated with respect. Not only do you have this right, you have the right to demand it. Being a submissive does not make you a doormat or less of a person than anyone else. The word “submissive” describes your nature and in no way diminishes you as a human being. You have the right and the duty to respect yourself as well.

You have the right to be proud of what and who you are. Being a submissive is nothing that should ever bring you shame or feelings of reproach. Your submissive nature is a gift and should always be a source of pride and happiness.

You have the right to feel safe. Your Dominant and you should be developing an atmosphere of trust and communication. Submission is not about living on the edge or flirting with fear unless its something you have both negotiated fully.

You have the right to your emotions and feelings. Your emotions and feelings come from you and they are just as valid as anyone else’s. Feelings are not good or bad, right or wrong. They just are. Those feelings, whether positive or negative make you who you are and suppressing them out of fear will bring you certain unhappiness in your D/s relationship.

You have the right to express your negative feelings. Being submissive does not make you an object that no longer has negative thoughts or concerns. Your concerns are real and you have every right to express them. If something doesn’t feel right, bothers you, makes you feel bad or you just plain don’t like something, say so. Failing to express your negative feelings could give the mistaken impression that you are pleased or satisfied with something that is not pleasurable or agreeable.

You have the right to say NO. Being submissive does not take away your right to have likes, dislikes or negative feelings about things. If something is happening or about to happen that you feel strongly opposed to, it’s your duty to yourself to speak up. Remember, failing to communicate the word NO is the same as saying YES.

You have the right to expect happiness in life. Being a submissive is not tantamount to being miserable, suffering or a life of despair. You have needs and wants and desires that should be addressed and fulfilled. Your submission should bring you joy, peace and fulfillment. If it doesn’t, then something is wrong.

You have the right to have input in a relationship. You are an active partner in any relationship you enter and have every right to contribute to it. You are submissive, not passive. A relationship that doesn’t include your needs, thoughts, hopes and desires is not one you should in to begin with. This applies to friendships, partnerships and D/s relationships.

You have the right to belong. Being a submissive greatly involves the feeling of belonging. Many submissives have expressed that it was in their submissive nature that they felt as though they ‘belonged” for the first time in their lives.

You have the right to be loved and love. Anyone who tells you that love doesn’t fit into a D/s relationship has never experienced the fulfillment of all it truly can be. Submissives are by nature loving and have every right expect love to be a part of their lives. It takes love and a safe environment to bring your submission into full bloom, so don’t settle for less.

You have the right to be healthy. Health involves your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Any relationship, D/s or otherwise, that causes you to suffer physically, mentally or emotionally, beyond your limits, is abuse. There is NO place for abusive behavior within a D/s relationship and it’s up to you to take care of yourself and get out of an abusive relationship.

Being a submissive does not give anyone the right to harm or injure you in any way. The D/s community will stand by you if you should encounter such a situation but you are the one who has to make them aware before anyone can help.

You have the right to practice safer sex. Not only is this a right, it’s a duty to yourself and others you may come in contact with. Sexually transmitted diseases have reached epidemic proportions and must be a concern to any sexually active person. Safer sex is something you the right to insist upon and protecting yourself should never be discouraged by your Dominant or anyone else who has your best interests at heart.



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