When"YOU" do the following:Create a new album.........................0 ptsUpload a photo.............................2 ptsRate a profile pic.........................6 ptsRate a pic a 10............................2 ptsLeave a photo comment......................2 ptsRating a blog..............................2 ptsPosting a blog.............................0 ptsClick"share this".........................2 ptsRating stash...............................2 ptsCommenting on stash........................2 ptsUploading stash............................2 ptsLeave a profile comment....................4 ptsSend a friend request/accepted............12 ptsSomeone fans you..........................23 ptsYou fan someone............................0 ptsMUMMS:Post a MUMM for everyone costs......5,000 fubucksPost a MUMM for/friends only costs.....25 fubucksFor each vote you get on your MUMM........12 ptsVoting on a MUMM..........................23 ptsComment on MUMM............................0 ptsVoting on NSFW MUMM's......................0 ptsVoting on MUMM's (HH) .................21 fubucksYOU DO NOT GET ANY POINTS FROM PHOTO'S THAT YOU HAVE RIPPED FROM SOMEONE; COPY AND SAVE TO DESKTOP, DELETE OLD ONES, SO YOU GET POINTS FOR REUPLOADING THEM. THEN YOU WILL EARN POINTS FOR THE PICS.just to help you out