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65 Year Old · Male · From Webster, TX · Joined on May 4, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
65 Year Old · Male · From Webster, TX · Joined on May 4, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

First off, I am NOT a real Doctor. I got the nickname Dr. from one of my friends, good reason for it, see degree below, ask and I will tell you. I am a kind, caring and loving person that gets me into heartache sometimes, but wouldn’t have it any other way. I am easy to talk to and I don’t judge anyone, which is how I have made most of my friends and family here. I am very intelligent and have an interest in a wide variety of topics. I do not tolerate ignorance or stupidity, just for stupidity’s sake, but if a person is really trying to communicate to the best of their ability my patience is endless. I am good natured and have a wild sense of humor, find most things funny.
I simply love my family and friends here and would do anything for them, especially my angels.
BTW, anything that is discussed with me is personal and not repeated to ANYONE, I value my friends’ secrets, thoughts and desires, just like a real doctor would.
It is almost impossible to offend me and even harder to get me angry, and you really wouldn’t like me when I AM ANGRY (I don’t even like myself when I am angry, lol).



Kathys Comments

Kathys Comments




I don't like It when someone tries to play me and I don't play. I don't lie, and expect the same from you as I give RESPECT. I am blunt and honest. I am past that stuff in my life, I will tell you what I think or feel, not what you want to hear. Once my friend, always my friend, so don't mess with my friends! Very hard to become my enemy, but it DOES happen, and you rally don't want to see that side of me, only three people in my life have.

It is easy to become a fan, fairly easy to become my friend, I like talking to people as most of my friends can attest to, but to be one of my top friends you need to be able to talk to me and just not leave comments every once in awhile, for these are the people I treasure, that we can joke about most anything and who will, like me, tell it like it is, and that is how they got there.

I flirt very little, I have had my heartbroken too many times, so it is tucked away for now, until the right one comes along. That is why you may never see that I have a crush on someone (yeah I know this is fu, but I take stuff like this seriously, get over it). Well, this is a lie, the right one has come along! :)


As I get time I will visit all my fans and friends and see all their photos (that I am allowed to see hee hee), I will rate them but very rarely leave comments, so please don't get mad. If something moves me, you will know, I am not just gonna put down a comment to be wolfish, or point whore, that is not who I am.

As you can see I love to talk, pm shout, it doesn't matter. Sound interesting? See if the Doctor is in!



65 Year Old · Male · From Webster, TX · Joined on May 4, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Have done some traveling in my time, but currently reside in the great United States of America. Through God's grace, have been and seen many things, and have many stories and memories to tell.

As you can tell one of my hobbies is Castles, I got the bug while traveling. I also like to fish when I can. Love to sightsee, anywhere that there is history. I love Dragons and fantasy art, especially Frank Frazetta, one of the best.

I have a passion for reading, though I like Mysteries , Drama and Science Fiction, if the book is written well I can read almost anything.

I also support the military and love military history.


As you can also see free my age, the long life (so far) that I have had I have had a number of musical influences on me. I started in elementary school playing the Viola, in Junior High the Clarinet, in High School the Drums, afterwards a friend taught me how to play guitar, and I was hooked.

My musical side has come down through many different types of music, as you can see in my playlist, but if you go to my stash and look in trackz, I have pictures of the Bands and People that have shaped me, felt my moods, my generation.



If you know this, enough said.


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