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51 Year Old · Male · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on April 14, 2006 · Born on July 25th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old · Male · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on April 14, 2006 · Born on July 25th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Currently in the US Navy and have been for about 16 years. I will be in for at least 4 more. Time sure does fly when you are having so much fun. There are times I have been out to sea for so long its all I can do to stay in touch, heck most of the time you can't even remember what land looks like and all of it looks like heaven when you see it again. I have learned to appreciate what people go through back home while I am gone and I appreciate even more what some go through on land overseas while I am at sea. Just got stationed back on the ship and its haze grey and underway AGAIN! Lovin life. LOL

51 Year Old · Male · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on April 14, 2006 · Born on July 25th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


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  • seemoreplz dang been a LONG time since i been on here. whats going on in ol' fubar land?
    11 years ago · Comment

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