61 Year Old
From Columbus, IN·
Invited by: Jaded Angel·
Joined on May 2, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on August 9th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
61 Year Old
From Columbus, IN·
Invited by: Jaded Angel·
Joined on May 2, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on August 9th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
61 Year Old
From Columbus, IN·
Invited by: Jaded Angel·
Joined on May 2, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on August 9th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
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tammygrl42yahoocom I would like to know why people likes to game's for all it does hurt other people