HOW TO TREAT A WOMAN:Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her. Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Pray with her. Pray for her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her. HOW TO TREAT A MAN:Show up naked. Bring beer. Don't block the TV.
Hi sweetieI hope you are having a wonderful day :)I am always looking for new friends I love friends!!!!!!I fanned and rated you the 10 you soooo deserve if you would like to return the favorthat would be wonderful!!!!!If you would like to be my friend please send me a friend requestand I will gladly accept!!!!!Please remember that my life is sometimes hectic and there willbe times when I don't have a chance to comment you :(But remember my friends are friends for life and you will alwaysbe in my heart :)If you ever need me please feel free to"shout"I will always be here if you need a friend!!!!!!!Love alwaysMarissa*kisses and hugs*Please stay safe :)
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