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Female · Invited by: 809584 · Joined on April 19, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 28th
Female · Invited by: 809584 · Joined on April 19, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 28th

The names Kara. I'm an extreamy complicating person. I seem to have alot of mood swings. I reside in the most shitiest town ever && attend the most stupedist school you could find. You can sing tew me on the 28th of Febuary. Single. I hate people who are really judgementle. I miss spell things alot.. I'm a horrible speller, so get used to it. I love Eminem<3 && am pretty much obsessed with anything involving brass kuckles. I love the SAW movies to death, there the best movies ever made! I have ahhmazing friends who I'd die without. I'd do anything for them, I love them so much. I put up alot of pictures, so comment them! I'm nice as hell. Easy to get along with. Easy to please. I'm really short. Bitchy as fuck. I'm also kinda obsessed with studded belts && eyelinner. I dont fucking care what you think about me. Go ahead && call me emo, scene or punk or what ever.. most already do concider me emo so what ever I guess. I love scary movies with alot of gore && blood && shit. Don't bother asking why okay, I juss do. I listen to alot of loud music. I'm constently on Myspace. I hate fakes && I hate when people judge me by juss the way I look. I love McDonalds :D && my faveorite color is orange<3 Another thing I hate is when people hate on others who are bi or gay or what ever. Juss cuz they have a different sexuality than you, dosn't make them bad people. So get the fuck over it && grow up if people wana be with the opposite gender. LOVE is LOVE no matter what the fuck there gender. There juss being brave enough to not let there sex interfear. So back off and stop hating on them and go get a damn life. Kthanx. Besides that the only other things I hate.. is those stupid lil wooden dolls like off Dead Silence && the one that Jiggsaw has off SAW. I hate those things so damn bad >.< && clowns. Don't talk shit on me, I'm not gona take it, You'll juss get bitched at. Yes I'm extreamly turned on by emo kids. There hawt as fuck. Don't like it? Idc, Fuck off bitch. Piercings && tattoos are a major turn on! I love screamo, emo, hardcore, punk, metal music<3 Atreyu && Bullet for my Valentine are my 2 fave. bands. They kick major ass. Love me, Hate me, what ever it's your choise. Really, you can kiss my ass fer all I care (Cuz I simply juss don't give a shit.) By the way.. I only got this because I got bored with Myspace which I'm on constently... If you want either of my 2 Myspace accounts, Facebook, Fampirefreaks, Yahoo, or AIM, tell me, Because I'm not wriying it in here for everyone to have. And I'm not telling you where I live, Go to school at, Or my acctually age. Sorry, You're juss not getting that info. Peace.

Female · Invited by: 809584 · Joined on April 19, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 28th
Moshing, Going to concerts, Screaming/Yelling, Bitching at people, Myspace, Bam Margera, Pete Wentz, Music, Food, Vampirefreaks, Brass Knuckles, Guitar Hero, SAW 1-4, Bullet for my Valentine, Atreyu, Going to the mall, Hanging with my friends, Smoking, Getting high, Making out, Eyelinner, Studded belts, Shoping, Spencers, Emo/Scene/Goth kids, My cell fone, Dirt bikes, Pac Sun, Rue 21, Scremo/Hardcore shit, DCs && Texting.

Egyption Centeral, Hollywood Undead, Silverstein, Bury Your Dead, RED, If Hope Dies, Mushroomhead, Bullet for my Valentine, Bleeding Through, My Chemical Romance, Fall out Boy, AFI, Atreyu, Madina Lake, Rise Against, G-Unit, Tech N9ne, Hwathorne Heights, Panic! at the Disco, Craddle of Filth, Enter Shikari, Disterbed, The all American Rejects, Saosin, Linkin Park, Bring me the Horison, Flyleaf, Papa Roach, Aiden, Three Days Grace, HIM, Marilyn Manson, 30 Seconds to Mars, Avenged Sevenfold, The Used, Paramore, Sences Fail, Brokencyde, I set my Friends on Fire, Rob Zombie, 50 Cent, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Escape the Fate, I am X-Ray, Hellogoodbye, The Agonist, Set to Kill, The Devil Wears Prada, As I Lay Dying, Breaking Benjiman, Throwdown, LoveHateHero, Otep, UnderOath, Alesana, BuckCherry, Seeter, Good Charolette, UNKN, Blessthefall, Sick Puppies, OneRepublic, Thrice, D12, Boys like Girls, Scary kids Scaring kids, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Evanecense, Green Day, Lamb of God, Kill Hannah, Avril Lavigne, Fireflight && Slip Knot.
Video Games
Guitar Hero, Rock Band && Grand Theft Auto.

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