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42 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 18, 2008 · Born on November 19th · 1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 18, 2008 · Born on November 19th · 1 person has a crush on me!

where to start...first off, I am done with stressing over the small things in life. I take everything as a new life experience to learn from. I hate drama. There's no point to it because in the end everyone will continue living thier lives and will eventually forget what the drama was about if they even knew what it was about to begin with. Also, I hate lies. I have a bad memory and its hard enough to keep the truth straight forget about mixing in lies. I just like to have fun which can mean anything from going out with friends and dancing the night away or taking the train by myself to New York and getting lost. I've spent many days acting like a big kid, joking around, randomly bursting into song, and laughing. I try to learn or try something new everyday. The day i stop being curious will be the day that I'm a full grown adult and probably dead. Therefore, I like trying new things. People say I'm a follower because I go with the flow and would just about try anything once. I say I am just open minded. I hate being in the same place for too long so I am always down for a road trip or just taking a ride any where. I have two goals in life: to visit every state and to go to at least one country in every continent. I love exposing myself to different people because you never know whats going to happen. I like to argue. I love to hear different opinions and most people look cute when they start to get angry. I can't live without music. I listen to it when I wake up, during the day and when i go to sleep and thats about it

42 Year Old · Female · Joined on April 18, 2008 · Born on November 19th · 1 person has a crush on me!

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