Naughty Trainnnnnnnn!!!!!! Roses r red, nuts r brown, skirts r up, pants r down, body 2 body, skin 2 skin, motor's runnin,lets begin. Send to 10 ppl and see if u get it back that means someone wants to GET NAUGHTY WITH YOU. If I don't get this back I guess ur not my friend. if u have a lot of luv 4 someone.....copy and send to ur whole friend list and in 5 mins ur true love will call or im you. da naughty train - if u get it ur cute...u get it twice ur a hottie...u get it 3 times ur sexy...4 times ur well you know use your imagination......send this and see!!!!! 1 hr ago
You have just been blown a kiss! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you receive 1 - 3( ur ugly) 3 - 6 ( ur ok ) 6 - 12 ( ur sweet) 12-15 (ur pretty) 15-18 (ur beautiful) 18-21 (ur hot!!) 21-25 (ur top 1 hot & sexy) so start sending to all of your friends including me thankz
You have just been blown a kiss! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you receive 1 - 3( ur ugly) 3 - 6 ( ur ok ) 6 - 12 ( ur sweet) 12-15 (ur pretty) 15-18 (ur beautiful) 18-21 (ur hot!!) 21-25 (ur top 1 hot & sexy) so start sending to all of your friends including me thankz
HEY HOW ARE YOU? I just stoped by to show some love by rating your profile a 10..I am outta 11's right now tho but Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too.If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.PLEASE do not rate anyone anything under a 10. On this website rating people is about RESPECT.Its always a 10 or 11.If you need any help by all means send me a private message and I will do the best I can to help you out with whatever it is that you have a problem with on the site.PLEASE Remember to always return what a person gives you weather its a rate or a comment or whatever... Cause it helps us both get points and helps us gain our levels.I love new friends and fans too, so feel free to add me :PWELCOME TO FUBAR!..*HUGS*~*~NEABEAR~*~PS IF YOU HAVE A EXTRA EXTRA SECOND COULD YOU RATE THIS GUYS PROFILE TOO?JeEzY ♠CpT. SaVe A HoE♠ NeaNeas Husband ♠ @ fubar