Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!
It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It is often difficult to paint a picture of someone with words, yet I believe that sometimes you can often perceive things about someone when you really pay attention. Can you remember a person from your past who caused you to feel absolutely wonderful, who could make you melt, just with a certain look. Perhaps they could just say something in such a way that caused you to notice incredible sensations through your whole being. Mabey you can even remember fun times and exciting experiences. Now, I don't know weather or not I will totally remind you of those things, yet you may notice many of those characteristics in me. Now, I find that when you open up completely to that special place, deep inside, where all those incredible feelings and experiences just begin to happen, it's just like when you realize that sometimes you can feel totally connected to a person naturally, as if destiny has created this opportunity for you now. Now, as you ponder on these things through out today, I don't want you to write to me any faster than you can realize that when a person opens up to new, exciting and wonderful experiences, that is how meaningful experiences naturally occur. If you would like to know more about me, please write. scorpiolover2150@yahoo.com and sence i cant be youer lover or youer boy friend can you please add me as a friend. scorpiolover--steve ">
Hi! Welcome to Fubar!It's a lot to take in at once but don't give up!This place can be super fun once you get the hang of it.Add/Comment/Rate/FanI will return the 'fu-love'<3