There was a..cucumber, a pickle, and a penis sitting around talking about how their..lives sucked. The cucumber"Man, my life sucks. When I get big, fat,..and juicy, they cut me up and stick me on a salad." The pickle looks at..him and says,"You think you have it bad? When I get big, fat, and..juicy, they stick me in vinegar, put spices on me, and stick me in a..jar." The penis looks at him and says,"You think you have it rough?..When I get big, fat, and juicy, they stick a rubber strap on my head,..stick me in a dark room, and bang my head against the wall until I..throw up and pass out!. Send to eight of your freakiest friends...If u get 0-2 back you are average..If you get 3-5 you are a freak..If you get 6-8 then you are a major freak, and need a leash.."
HHH!!!! I WANT ONE BACK! You've been blown a KISS.If u get 1-3 ur sweet, 4-6 adorable, 7-9 freaken hot.So start blowin them kisses"If you get 5 back your spoiled__________, .-'Y _^-,______, .-'^H E , -^_^-, .._, .-'^ R S , .-^_______..|_.. H E , .-^____________k__.., .-^_________________i________________________ss________________________kis_______________________skiss_______________________kissk______________________isskiss____________________kisskisskis__________________skisskisskisski________________sskisskisskisskissk______________isskisskisskisskisskiss____________kisskisskisskisskisskisskis_________skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss_______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskissk______isskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis_______skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis~*~*~YOUVE JUST BEEN KISSED~*~*~"
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