68 Year Old
From Seneca, SC·
Invited by: Just Zee·
Joined on March 30, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 24th
I have a crush on someone!
68 Year Old
From Seneca, SC·
Invited by: Just Zee·
Joined on March 30, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 24th
I have a crush on someone!
Oh, about me, shall we talk about me, mememememe, because that is what it is all about, correct?
I am an old married fart, have been with my darling husband for more years than most of you have been alive and am quite happy with his balding, soft-bellied self. I am not here to network or to see who I can drink under the bar; I was invited by a dear friend who needs to have a bit of fun. If you have nude pictures, do all of us a favor and keep them to yourself because if you show them to me, I shall show them to people who will make fun.
68 Year Old
From Seneca, SC·
Invited by: Just Zee·
Joined on March 30, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on November 24th
I have a crush on someone!
MySpace Comments Thanks sweetie... just running in and out... saw doc... who says, yer old and things start to happen... and....I"VE LOST 13 POUNDS!!!!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!have appointment for dermatologist, and having hot water heater replaced... and now must WORK....
Free Comments & Graphics
Hey hon. Good to see you back - wondered where you went to.