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43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on March 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 29th · 1 person has a crush on me!
43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on March 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 29th · 1 person has a crush on me!

Good God, where does the freaking time go? What do you mean I've been on Fubar for over 10 years? When the hell did that happen? Gah, anyway WTF moment aside. I suppose your hear to find out more about me, well I've been on Fubar long enough to know that less that 1% will actually see/ready/give a fuck about this, so if your still with me so far....Congrads....you are the 1% 16_winksmile.gif ANYWAY! Back to basics (you really shouldn't let me get side tracked, we'll be here all day) Pressing on!

Hello, My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die! Wait...hold on, wrong speech DAMN YOU ADD! Take 3 aaannnndd go....

LOL ok so if you can't tell, I'm a little nuts. Might have something to do with 15 years of service in the Army, might have been something I ate/smoked in college, might have been growing up in the middle of fucking no where in Western, PA; who the hell knows. Regardless, I'm 37 this year (dear god *shivers*) and I have been active duty Army for the last 11 years....think I mentioned that already...oh well. No I'm not saying that to beg for attention, its what I do, its who I am and its not likely to change in the next 9 or so years. Some thing else that is not likely to change is, I'm married. I love my wife dearly, god knows we don't always get along but I have no idea what the hell I would do without that woman. She has been my best friend for over 20 years and my wife for almost 14. Believe me when I say, if I can't make this work then I'm not meant to be married. The Army has presented us with a rucksack full of challenges (3 deployments and rotation to Korea) over the years but we've somehow managed to make do. We may not have the most conventional marriage but it works for us. No I don't think I'm going to elaborate on that any further.

So why are you on Fubar? Great question, glad you asked! Bottom line....I am fucking bored! Not with my wife, not with my career, but in general. Why am I bored? Another excellent question, because I am currently stuck in Korea, without my wife and without my kids. I have my Xbox and my computer to keep me company. (My Prrrrrecioussssss) Ummm....wait....never-mind, ignore that...These are not the Droids your looking for. I'm going to be here for at least 12 months and since I'm not even to the halfway mark I am looking for people to help keep me entertained. (Dance monkey! Dance!) LOL I did warn you I'm a bit nuts right?

Any, ground rules! I don't care to talk about politics, that is a conversation that never ends well. "Arguing online is like participating in the special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded." No I am not politically correct and I hope to god I never am. If you don't like what I have to say or you don't like me, than use your god given right TO NOT LOOK ANYMORE! Surf elsewhere, leave your negative opinions and drama at the door, stay the hell out of my Doritos....any of this sinking in? If you like me, want to get to know me, drop me a message lets talk. If you don't like me, off is the general direction in which you can fuck, hate mail will be laughed at.

-Later you sexy fu-ckers

43 Year Old · Male · From San Antonio, TX · Joined on March 27, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on July 29th · 1 person has a crush on me!
Native American Comments & Graphics

Moon when Wolves run together

Long ago, an old wolf came to that time when
his life on earth could last no longer.

"My people," he said,

"You can follow in my footsteps when the time comes
for you to join me in the skyland."

Then he left the earth, climbing higher and higher,
and each place he stepped the sky filled with stars.

Shunk man-i-tu tan-ka we call the wolves,
the powerful spirits who look like dogs.
When they climb the hills to lift their heads and sing
toward that road of stars, thier songs grow stronger as they join thier voices.

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