Playing guitar, Hanging out with friends, Modeling, Writing, Dancing, Partying, Traveling, Meeting new people, Off-roading, Foam parties, My family, Animals, Bright colors, Shopping, Cooking, Camping, Floating the river, just about anything I can do that is fun and involves my friends!
I LOVE music.
The world would stop in its rotation if there were no music in life. I listen to everything from hip hop and rap to hardcore rock to like accapella. The only music I dont listen to is country. I love Bob Marley. I know it sounds cliche but I seriously do not think our world would be the same today with out that man. Or Jimmie Hendrix. Music forms the world we live in and if we dont embrace it we may lose it.
I looooove movies.
I like weird movies.
Pretty much anything from the 80's. Or anything funny or scary or anything with good action. Chick flicks are NOT my favorite. I'll watch them but they can just me soooo mushy and boring. Id rather watch something that has guts or flames or explosions or something interesting. I like movies that hold my attention and and keep my brain alert, lol.
Steven Faul R.I.P
Donna Keatly R.I.P
Kenneth Jaymes Faul R.I.P
Mike Bailey R.I.P
Colby Smallwood R.I.P
John Wiechman R.I.P