70 Year Old
Invited by: 1510376·
Joined on March 25, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 21st
I have a crush on someone!
This poem was wrote by our oldest daughter when she was just 7 yrs old right after we found out that her dad had cancerA poem for my Daddy BrianDoes cancer know that we need you here?Does cancer know that we will not let you gowith out a fight.Does cancer know that you are only 52?Does cancer know that you have 2 daughters and a 3 yr old son?Does cancer know that it will be taken the bestWhy must it but us to the test?I don't think cancers knows this daddyI don't think cancer relizes how much you are lovedand how much you will be missedI don't want you to win cancer we will fight you till the endYou can't have him you hear me he is our daddyAnd we will not let you take him from us!!!By: Elizabeth age 7
70 Year Old
Invited by: 1510376·
Joined on March 25, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 21st
I have a crush on someone!
Its true what they say u don't know what u have intill its gone RIP Brian We all love you and miss you very much Your kids will never for get what a wonderful man there daddy was I swear