35 Year Old
From Lodi, CA·
Joined on March 24, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 1st
.skem9 {Profile-generated-at:url(http://www.skem9.com); Come back again!} .skem9 {Background Settings} body { background-image:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/techno.jpg"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center; background-attachment:fixed;} .skem9{We gotta hide the other tables backgrounds so it looks nice} table, tr, td, input, div { background-color:transparent; border:0px;} .skem9 {table properties} table table table { background-color:Black; border-color:FF00D9; border-style:double; border-width:1px;} table table table table {border:0px; background-image:none; background-color:transparent;} table table table {width:300px;} td.text table {width:auto;} .skem9 {Replace the old contact table with the new one} .contactTable {width:300px; height:150px; background-image:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/untitled-3.jpg"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center;} .contactTable img {display:none;} .contactTable td {background-color:transparent;} .contactTable a {display:block; width:115px; height:30px; filter:none !important; background-color:transparent !important; background-image:none !important;} .skem9 {replace the extended network with your new banner} span.blacktext12 span {display:none !important;} span.blacktext12 {display:block; width:435px; height:219px; background:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/techno.gif") no-repeat center center;} .skem9 {Regular links, and that damn view all friends link, myspace had to make it a class for a stupid reason} a:link, a:active, a:visited, a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;} a:hover, a.redlink:hover { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {Default Text Settings} table, tr, td, p, li, div, span, .text { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {your name above your profile pic} span.nametext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 16pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {XXs interest XXs details} span.whitetext12 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {music, general, movies, ect ect} span.lightbluetext8 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {about me, who id like to meet} span.orangetext15 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {latest blog entries, and XX has XX friends} span.btext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 8pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {The red text, aka the numbers on friends, and comments} span.redbtext, span.redtext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {Time and date in comments} span.blacktext10 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {extended network text} span.blacktext12 span { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .John {; top:20px; right:0px; 9;} .skem9 {I know some people are going to remove the image in this layout back to my site, but if you would at least still put a link to http://www.skem9.com on your page I would appreciate it!} .layout {submited-by:Jewels; url(http://www.skem9.com/~254300);}.sk { !important; top:0px; right:0px; 9;}Layout made by Jewels
35 Year Old
From Lodi, CA·
Joined on March 24, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 1st
~~>boys kissing boys
~~>girls kissing girls also
~~>girl pants on guys
~~>eyeliner on guys and girls
~~>i love poetry..i write sum to
~~>i play noise on my guitar
~~>peircings are hott!!!!!
~~>i live for music
~~>i love making new friends
~~>i love to make friends as well
~~>my chemical romance
~~>gerard way
~~>guys that look like there on crack
~~>fuzzy things
~~>shiny things
~~>the color black
~~>making new friends
~~>going to skool.......um not!
~~>stabbing people in the leg with a pencil
~~>spitting water at people
~~>all my myspace friends
~~>wrist bands
~~>jamba juice
~~>gays are so cute!
~~>i hate mcr haters
~~>i love my chemical romance...but im IN LOVE with marilyn manson!!
~~>vampires <33333333
~~>and anything gothic
you are a gothic random pic and i really hope thisresult is good so you don't kill me!!!!!!!!!
what random pic are you? brought to you by Quizilla
marilyn manson <3333333
david bowie ¢¾
nine inch nails....
30 seconds to mars....
my chemical romance
dimmu borgir
cradle of filth...
the distillers....
corspe bride...
the laberath..with david bowie
nitemare before x-mas....
texas chainsaw massacre...
horror movies....
action packed movies.....
the phantom of the opera...<3
~ The Velvet Lounge ~ Upscale at it's Best Come hang with the Coolest Cats on FUBAR We have the HOTTEST STAFF The Wickedest DJ'Ss and the Hottest Clientel Owner ~ BadKarma ~ ~Click the picture to join us~