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35 Year Old · Female · From Lodi, CA · Joined on March 24, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st
35 Year Old · Female · From Lodi, CA · Joined on March 24, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st

.skem9 {Profile-generated-at:url(http://www.skem9.com); Come back again!} .skem9 {Background Settings} body { background-image:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/techno.jpg"); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:center; background-attachment:fixed;} .skem9{We gotta hide the other tables backgrounds so it looks nice} table, tr, td, input, div { background-color:transparent; border:0px;} .skem9 {table properties} table table table { background-color:Black; border-color:FF00D9; border-style:double; border-width:1px;} table table table table {border:0px; background-image:none; background-color:transparent;} table table table {width:300px;} td.text table {width:auto;} .skem9 {Replace the old contact table with the new one} .contactTable {width:300px; height:150px; background-image:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/untitled-3.jpg"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center;} .contactTable img {display:none;} .contactTable td {background-color:transparent;} .contactTable a {display:block; width:115px; height:30px; filter:none !important; background-color:transparent !important; background-image:none !important;} .skem9 {replace the extended network with your new banner} span.blacktext12 span {display:none !important;} span.blacktext12 {display:block; width:435px; height:219px; background:url("http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t128/fairybabygirl101/techno.gif") no-repeat center center;} .skem9 {Regular links, and that damn view all friends link, myspace had to make it a class for a stupid reason} a:link, a:active, a:visited, a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;} a:hover, a.redlink:hover { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {Default Text Settings} table, tr, td, p, li, div, span, .text { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {your name above your profile pic} span.nametext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 16pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {XXs interest XXs details} span.whitetext12 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {music, general, movies, ect ect} span.lightbluetext8 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {about me, who id like to meet} span.orangetext15 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {latest blog entries, and XX has XX friends} span.btext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 8pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {The red text, aka the numbers on friends, and comments} span.redbtext, span.redtext { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {Time and date in comments} span.blacktext10 { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .skem9 {extended network text} span.blacktext12 span { color: FF00D9 !important; font-size: 9pt !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-style:italic;} .John {; top:20px; right:0px; 9;} .skem9 {I know some people are going to remove the image in this layout back to my site, but if you would at least still put a link to http://www.skem9.com on your page I would appreciate it!} .layout {submited-by:Jewels; url(http://www.skem9.com/~254300);}.sk { !important; top:0px; right:0px; 9;}Layout made by Jewels

35 Year Old · Female · From Lodi, CA · Joined on March 24, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 1st
~~>boys ~~>boys kissing boys ~~>girls kissing girls also ~~>girl pants on guys ~~>eyeliner on guys and girls ~~>music ~~>I HATE GOSSIP ~~>I HATE DRAMA ~~>I HATE LIERS ~~>CHEATERS MUST DIE!!! ~~>i love poetry..i write sum to ~~>i play noise on my guitar ~~>peircings are hott!!!!! ~~>i live for music ~~>i love making new friends ~~>i love to make friends as well ~~>my chemical romance ~~>gerard way ~~>guys that look like there on crack ~~>fuzzy things ~~>shiny things ~~>the color black ~~>making new friends ~~>ateryu ~~>going to skool.......um not! ~~>beer ~~>piercings ~~>stabbing people in the leg with a pencil ~~>spitting water at people ~~>all my myspace friends ~~>chains ~~>leather ~~>whips ~~>wrist bands ~~>jamba juice ~~>gays are so cute! ~~>i hate mcr haters ~~>i love my chemical romance...but im IN LOVE with marilyn manson!! ~~>I LOVE BLOOD ~~>death ~~>vampires <33333333 ~~>and anything gothic you are a gothic random pic and i really hope thisresult is good so you don't kill me!!!!!!!!! what random pic are you? brought to you by Quizilla
marilyn manson <3333333 david bowie ¢¾ a7x... nine inch nails.... 30 seconds to mars.... my chemical romance BEHEMOTH dimmu borgir cradle of filth... afi... flyleaf... disturbed.. kittie... the distillers.... ozzy...
corspe bride... the laberath..with david bowie nitemare before x-mas.... texas chainsaw massacre... horror movies.... action packed movies..... the phantom of the opera...<3
everyone!!!! lol
Video Games
i love it all!

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  • 9 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ toxicgummibear

    ~ The Velvet Lounge ~ Upscale at it's Best Come hang with the Coolest Cats on FUBAR We have the HOTTEST STAFF The Wickedest DJ'Ss and the Hottest Clientel Owner ~ BadKarma ~ ~Click the picture to join us~

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ toxicgummibear

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ toxicgummibear
    ~WÅnnÅ CØmë Këëp Më CØmpÅnY...
    @ ThÅ HØTTë§T §pØT Øn FübÅr?
    plëŧë? *wïnk*~Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket<Photobucket

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