Some ways to get points:Add new friends!Vote for MUMs! (Vote for mine as well and get 20 points!)Rate members a '10'!Leave profile comments!Invite people with your Invitation Link (found on your homepage once you login): The more active they are, the more points you get!Give and Receive fuBling! (credit card, debit card or PayPal required)My Suggestion:Never put in your real information on the Fubar Surveys that you're"qualified" to take. You still get your bucks without worrying about spam. These surveys can be found at the top left corner of your page directly above your Bar Tab info as a yellow link.
If you have any questions, contact Fubar Support or search for something called The Fubar Bible so that you can get caught up on the lingo as well as become more familiar with how this website works. Most of all...have a safe, fun time here. Treat others as you would treat yourself.
P.S.: >>>> If you add me as a friend, please vote for my MUMs if you see that I've posted some. Voting will help you and me gain more points! They'll always be marked as [friends]Again, Welcome to Fubar.
passion4profilesWELCOME TO FUBAR!!!!