I like gardening in the summer, reading any time, writing any time, and playing with my pets any time. And now Fubar.
I like very specific art. I have added numerous files of art with the names of the artist as the file name. Wally, Kit, and James Shoop are my cousins. I have added numerous pictures of their work. Enjoy the art that I have added.
Most anything except opera and rap.
Just my addition of some great music that if you haven't listened to you are really missing out.
Just got turned on to Al Jarreau by my family member Robert. It is some of the best of that genre I have listened to.
I got some guys on myspace that are pretty awesome folkrock muscians.
And always there is my nephew Jesse who plays base in a really up and coming band, From Dust to Dreams.
My artist cousin, Wally Shoop is a very multitalented dude. He just finished a CD. It is awesome. It is one of my favorites when I am in the car. Great music from a great guy.
Gone in 60 Seconds
Dirty Dancing
Dante's Peak
Any Charlie Chan
Any Sherlock Holmes
The Thing (original)
The Mummy (original and new)
Dracula (original)
The Wolf Man (original)
National Treasure
Any Indiana Jones