47 Year Old
Invited by: 1667079·
Joined on March 18, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 6th
I am a 30 yr old domestic Goddess aka CEO of the Richardson household who has been married for 12 years to a wonderful soldier and firefighter. We have 4 beautiful children, the youngest was just born on the 28th of June !! I love spending time with my hubby and kids and hanging with my girls and getting together with our friends !! My 7 yr old son tells me I have a Hot Momma Force Field because I keep their hands warm on the walk to the bus stop every morning. I LOVE game nights. I am ADDICTED TO GHOST HUNTERS. I secretly LOVE Damien Rice..his music and lyrics captivate and pierce my soul. I love to shop ! Oreos are better frozen. I like to eat M&M's under a desk with Sugarplum, hehe. SHOPPING and me go together quite perfectly !!! I am a gemini. As a little girl, I fed the ants in the yard and the spiders in the windows and cried when my mom wanted to destroy the webs. I onced dressed as Madonna and went to school as her for no reason when I was in the second grade. My mom dressed me as Yoda when I was 4 for Halloween. I like to ramble. I am a romantic at heart and love the little things in life. I enjoy reading a good book every now and then. My dreams are still to one day be an actress. I love useless bits of trivial information, it amuses me. I love playing seek and find games like Everest and such. My kids love the fact that I still act like one with them. I say random things that pop into my mind especially songs, lol. When I was a little girl, I wanted to marry Kenny Rodgers. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be the star in the Freddy Krueger movies. I was a huge fan of the Rock and Roll express when I was 7, hehe. I'm a daddy's girl. I am not perfect. My friends are the greatest. I write poetry and have a poem published in an anthology in the Library of Congress and I am working on a screenplay. I LOVE chocolate desserts..it is my sin. Oh, I am a HUGE fan of 80's music,classic rock..acoustic stuff,80 hair bands and I love most all of the 80's movies !! Honestly, I prefer chick flicks, but LOVE a good scary movie every now and then. Comedies are great as well because there is nothing like a good laugh!! But the best movies are the ones that require heavy snuggling ! My friends describe me as having a very outgoing personality and call me a social butterfly which would make sense seeing as how I did get voted Biggest Flirt my senior year of High School. I love kicking back and relaxing but I also love just doing things spur of the moment too. Hubby and I are advanced open water Scuba divers and can't wait to dive again. I love to sing whether it be in front of people or in the privacy of my shower and so yes, I do enjoy the Karaoke scene. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I let alot get to me that I shouldn't. I am over analytical. I love my life !!
47 Year Old
Invited by: 1667079·
Joined on March 18, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 6th
I have lots....and will get back to filling this out soon. In the meantime if you just HAVE TO KNOW NOW..please just ask ;)
You have just been blown a kiss! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxif you receive1 - 3( ur ugly)3 - 6 ( ur ok )6 - 12 ( ur sweet)12-15 (ur pretty)15-18 (ur beautiful)18-21 (ur hot!!)21-25 (ur top 1 hot & sexy)so start sending to all of your friends including me!!""
Describe me in one word.... just one single word. Send it to me and to me only. Then send this original message to all your friends and see how many strange and interesting things they say about you. This is really fun!! Here's how: 1 Hit the reply key and send me my one word. 2. Then return to this message, and forward it to your friends (including me) and see what people say about you when limited to one word. Army Angel
I sent an angel to watch over you last night,but it came back. I asked, 'Why?' The angel said, 'Angels don't watch over angels!'....Twenty angels are in the world. Ten are sleeping. Nine are playing. One is reading this comment.....Send this to ten friends, including me. If you get five replies, someone you love will surprise you
I sent an angel to watch over you last night,but it came back. I asked, 'Why?' The angel said, 'Angels don't watch over angels!'....Twenty angels are in the world. Ten are sleeping. Nine are playing. One is reading this comment.....Send this to ten friends, including me. If you get five replies, someone you love will surprise you
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