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56 Year Old · Female · From Arlington, WA · Invited by: Koolmandude · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
56 Year Old · Female · From Arlington, WA · Invited by: Koolmandude · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Baby,I have loved you
for such a long time
And Had I known you wanted me
I would've hit the floor running

But misunderstandings happened
And I'd rather those be replaced
With the kindness and understanding
We once shared

I hope that this summer
Our lives they may change
For we both deserve happiness
with every step that we gain

I have a hope
Deep within my heart
To SEE you once again

I won't be the one to pursue
I'll leave that up to you
But I'll give you one SMALL hint

(Lean a little closer)

...I won't make it hard on you

56 Year Old · Female · From Arlington, WA · Invited by: Koolmandude · Joined on March 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
What would make me truly happy,
Is to hold your hand and fall so deep,
Right into a sleep so easy and calm,
The kind I'll never have to come back from,
I'll take all of your sad and lonely with me,
Leave you with the happy which I won't need,
I've written these words in stone not sand,
I Love You, will you let me hold your hand?


Layouts and Graphics!
Video Games
Lust for her, lust for air
And seeing you there is fair,
But seeing you here is better
Because you can be my sweater.

Its cold today and I wish and pray
And miss the sunshine of my day.
I can see through my wall a stack of hay
Its being eaten by the horse that asks for pay
In return for not acting a fool all day.

When I close my eyes I see him gallop
He's wild and free, with sex legs.
How many nights will I see it pop?
Your golden smile that's done laying eggs.

The silent ant eating holes through dirty walls
Is tired of the spiders looking down on it.
Its picking up and leaving the church halls
To those who needed more than just a bit.

The ant will find your horse and live with him
Where nobody has the time for missing him.
Except for all the spiders with nothing else to do,
Sitting like me, all out of love, without you

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