Happy St Pattys Day♣An Irish Blessing♣May there always be workfor your hands to do♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣May your Purse always holda coin or two♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣May the sun always shine onyour windowpane♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣May a rainbow be certainto follow each rain♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣May the hand of a friendalways be near you♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣May God fill your heartwith gladness to cheer you.♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣♣°•♥•°♣Have A Wonderful Day