You see me in different shades,In all different points or degrees.But when you read my words,Then you get the inner me.You may believe I'm something I'm not,my looks can be very decieving.If you take the time to read my words,Then hopefully your heart can start believing.When I look at you,I see your beauty,I feel your eyes,your smile,words that ring true.Now you know all of me,But do I know all of you.
Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!
Hi. ADD me, FAN me, RATE MY STASH. I've given you a"10" to get you started and don’t forget to sign the guest It’s on the left hand side of the page..Have Fun...