55 Year Old
From Denton, TX·
Joined on March 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 17th
·1 referrals joined!
I am in the craft of creatively interacting with people; You may not see it;You might look for it; but it is best to be your self and let things just flow.
(I'm not an alcoholic but was a big time people pleasing enabler Now I Am Free)
I meet people where they are at but it is not conquring them or thier life situation that is my challenge; rather, overcoming my own false perseption that i have to fix the problem.
I am honest still i have learned if you let people know where your goat is they can come and get it anytime they want.
When you know what really makes superman who he is then you will know why they call me Superman.
55 Year Old
From Denton, TX·
Joined on March 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 17th
·1 referrals joined!
http://www.myspace.com/digitalperformancenetwork Hey, If you have the desire to speak to me: call 940.300.4454 This is the real thing right here. Understand this.....
If you ever find your self tring to explain to someone why they should love you or treat you better then you should just stop your self right there...... pick up whatever dignity you have and leave because it is already over! You cannot talk someone into loving you. Like wise if someone is in love with someone you cannot talk them out of it. Logic has nothing to do with it;.... Other forces take over that have to do with Visual, Olfactory, Social, and Private posturing happening in timing with one another. If it is on or off is what makes or breakes it. You can not fake this.
If you understand this I would like to meet you.
Ok i am really looking to incounter the right woman for me.
Yes i want people to come out to my show too cause it is a good time free to get in.
Some people never read this stuff too I know.... still for those that do. I am serious. Fubar has got me close to what I have always wanted in a woman like wow. So I know SHE IS IN HERE SOMEWHERE damn it!!! lol I pulled all this down last time cause it was that intense. so here I am Back at the Bar again F.U.B.A.R. LOL Lets get it on. We can do it!!!!!!!
I am willing to travel but don't think I don't know a train wreack waiting to happen. Oh yeah Bull Shit stinks.
Seduction is good for you; in denton come in and see TX 8 Balls Karaoke show tues. 9:30 to 2....218 West Oak St Denton, Tx.
Hey, If you have the desire to speak to me: call 940.300.4454 This is the real thing right here.
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9407354335 Kara... Hey How To Hire Super Man http://digitalperformanceentertainment.com/