47 Year Old
From Winston Salem, NC·
Joined on March 2, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 26th
·1 referrals joined!
Abut me huh... well Im 30 and live in Winston Salmen NC. Originally from RI..oh yes boys Im a yankee watch out! I have 2 kids and am an assistant mngr at a group home for autistic behavioral males. I like to listen to music, write, hang out w friends, go to dive bars (i hate stuffy places), go camping and play guitar hero lol. Im a wicked dork most of the time and neva try to hide it. I am who I am.
47 Year Old
From Winston Salem, NC·
Joined on March 2, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 26th
·1 referrals joined!
Sono molto felice di avere così donna bella come amico. Grazie ed i baci per voi.I am very happy to have such a beautiful woman as a friend. Thank you and kisses for you.Ciò è aumentato è pallida nel comaprison a quanto bella siete.@}—This rose is pale in comparison to how beautiful you are
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