45 Year Old
From Illinois·
Joined on August 30, 2020
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on November 16th
Don''t much feel like I''m actually living...just barely surviving. Most of my dreams and passions have just faded away and have been left on the back burner. I feel alone and stressed and unhappy many days....and it would be nice to find that person who would cheer me up.I'm just a plain girl in a boring dead end town with a dull life.I feel Lost just like Alice in Wonderland.
45 Year Old
From Illinois·
Joined on August 30, 2020
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on November 16th
Video Games, Pizza, Ghosts, Mermaids, Dolls, Carnivals, road trips,nature, the forest and cemetery,The Occult, Romance, 80s hair bands, gothic, metal, oldies, 50s era, Classic rock, old sit coms....Just depends on my mood.
Latest Status
AngelOfSorrow1313 I've always wanted to live near a boardwalk sea side village with a carnival...Just wish I could restart my life again and have more of what I actually desire.