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Daybreak's blog: "16 Layers"

created on 01/10/2007  |  http://fubar.com/16-layers/b43068

Fun Yet Serious

Boy, I want to tell you I had loads of fun yesterday, but it ended on a serious note. Traci, Jason and I were invited to a friend named Kevin's birthday party today. It was a birthday/swimming/barbecue party. Everything went fabulous and I had a blast, which is a first in about 7 months. After everyone left about 9:30 p.m, the 9 adults of us left decided to all crowd in the hot tub for awhile. It went great and we all had a pretty good time, drinking and just talking. The last nine adults were, Kevin, Laurie, Julie, Ron, Jack, Jason, Traci, Garrett and me. Well considering Jason had to go to work early we decided to leave about midnight. Traci and I were drenched to the bone and ran inside to change into drier clothes. We took Jason's cigarettes and lighter in there with us and he asked us if it was in there with us and we said yes, but he nevertheless had to wait to get them. Next thing we know, Garrett's daughter, Alley, came running in there to Traci and me and said there was a huge fight outside going on. All three of us didn't know the full details, but it turned out that a couple of guys and girls we're going to steal Kevin and Laurie's minivan and Jason's truck. What's even worse than that was that Traci left her purse in there with their truck payment. But there were no worries with my purse because I had NO money or cards in there, but if they wanted it, they could have it. The reason being that you need a crane to lift mine, LOL! We later found out that Jack got out to have a smoke by the vehicles and he saw about four people causing the problem and as one of the guys was peeking into Kevin and Laurie's minivan, Jack walked up and punched the guy just as he turned around, which resulted in more violence and Jack got the crap beat out of him and you know what's even funnier, is that the "people" who were doing this told Jack that he was going to jail. For what is anyone's guess considering they were the ones breaking the law. Geez, the nerve of some idiots!!!!!!!!! A report had to be filled out of course, and one of the fool girls who was involved in it lived across the street from Kevin and Laurie and she changed outfits about 3-4 times and then claimed she was at the movies, yeah I'm buying that one, NOT! I actually saw her in three different outfits, what a loon! The lady cop believed all of us, even though we all had beer or smirnoff ice's. Now I have a headached the size of Texas, but that came with a whole lotta fun. Thank you for letting me go on and on and on about it, but I wanted everyone to know why I'm so late doing my jobs this early morning. I'm gonna go sleep it off right after I finish doing all my jobs for the groups. Have a wonderful night/day everybody! P.S. Miss Dawnie had a hell of a time and looked up and down some hotties, as they looked me up and down, brace yourself, that' s a first for me, LMAO! ¢¾ Dawnie

Black Eye

Well, the girl who's responsible for the almost divorce of my sister and her hubby throwed some acid near Garrett, a very close friend of ours. For some reason they got into a fight, because he found out she was cheating on him, she got mad, through the stuff at his face, so he punched her out. She has a pic of a black eye that he gave her and even though I think it is totally wrong for a man to hit a woman, in this case, she deserved it. Garrett is such a actual sweet guy and doesn't deserve any of this. Also she could have hit his 10 year old daughter with it if she would have been in the vicinity. Now he has to go to trial later today and I plan on being there for him. I've known him 8 years and he would NEVER hit a lady without being provoked first. God I hate this bitch for almost destroying my sisters' marriage and now for hurting Garrett. Gr......

Benoit Video

I know that Chris Benoit is now known for being a cold blooded killer and maybe I'm wrong and he is, if that's the case I'm extremely sorry for his family and they are in my prayers. But one of my friends found this video of a guy who says exactly how I feel, so take a peak at it please. I'm going to send you the link: http://www.youtube.com/v/7vD7-ynjwD8


I just wanted to make a blog to let my Cherry Tap friends know that I'm sorry for not being on here more. My sister's going through some really rough personal problems and I'm trying my best to be a leaning shoulder for her. I'm hoping everything works out in the best interest for her, plus I've been working some hellish hours too. But alas, Dawnie will be back soon, so beware! LOL!!


Well I guess someone's vocabulary is expanding without our knowledge because now his new words to use in his arguments with Traci is "Simpleton" and "Sponge". In their latest fighting installment on Monday night he has progressed into using these new words. I'm pretty certain that it will make his head explode from using such big words. LOL! I guess he called her sponge and in her words of what he said(I wasn't there at the time) it means to him, "she absorbs material but doesn't comprehend what it means" and the only reason he used "Simpleton"(which is a kinder word for idiot) is because he seen it on Married With Children. I"m really and surely certain he has NO idea what it means. It didn't really bother her being called these, because she was completely boggled by his chosen words this time. Later that night as she was taking a luxurious bath to rid herself of his assiness, she and I sat there and just laughed our asses off because we made a new joke that we might used on him. I told her all she needs is some leather clothes or tights with "S.S" on them, that way when she screams out her new Superheroine name it will be "Simpleton Sponge"! We both could not stop laughing and started insulting the hell out of him. I told her I would entitle this new blog, "S.O.S", standing for "Simpleton Or Sponge". LOL!!!!!! I should also add, that he's having a MAJOR cow over the fact that the last time they had sex was last Tuesday night. I guess in male terms he's as horny as a goat(Baa Baa Black Sheep)LOL! So Traci told him "OMG, well, we haven't had sex in a week, string me up, open my legs and sacrifice me at the slaughter!" She told me this and I rolled on the floor laughing my old fat ass off! I'm still in stitches as I write this. As of now, she's laughing so much her eyes are watering because he's such a flaming idiot. What is your take on this new hilarious situation?

Broken Record

Here yet again for the billionth time in a row, the same old, same old conservation. It's just never going to end or stop. Our relationships are changing and we have to face facts, it's just the same thing over and over. I knew for a fact it wouldn't change and damn me if I'm right on the money. Gasp, what a shock. I'm so sick and tired of this neverending bullshit conversation about money issues. It's just one crappy day after another and I'm so out of energy being there for a beautiful intelligent and brave sister, who deserves much much more than she's getting out of this. Like I said before, he's just NOT going to change, we are going to have to accept those terms apparently because NOTHING'S getting easier or through the thick skin of a stubborn mule head. Again a copier machine must be in order at "The Golden Speakers" office, you know, it must be in between "The Golden God" and "The Golden Crew" towns that we don't know about, see or in his terms, just don't understand. Not to mention I guess I'm not supposed to defend my sister's honor in any way possible. I mean after all, I'M the one who has never lied to her in my whole old adult fogey life, but god forbid I defend someone I love from MY WHOLE HEART. But alas, I guess since I raised her to be a shut up Fort Knox slothville sit on her dumb moronic ass idiot hoochie(this is what Traci was called, yet if you notice shut up and hoochie mean two different things, I mean which is it, is she a shut up, closed up Fort Knox prude or a freaking slothville hoochie). Talk about NOT knowing your words at all . See fool it's called a dictionary, look it up and USE IT! HOT DAMN, I mean it's like this quote in Pretty In Pink, "Everytime he goes to the john, he loses IQ points"(Not that there was much there to begin with) I'm just so worried that late one night he will kill her, the animals and then me while I'm sleeping, so I stay up to make sure Traci, Shadow and Piper are safe and lose my sleep in the process, but I guess that comes from me, let me phrase what he told us, "Being raised in our parents bubble". Well I got news for you, if being an honest, truthful and caring individual makes me "raised in a bubble", then I'm SO proud to be mom and dad's daughter. I could NOT be prouder right stinking NOW. We were given this statement too, "We have no friends", yet the closest friends we(Traci and I) have ever made are the ones we've met online. Not certain "others" who are just too low to even deserve this mention. But I guess the online ones just don't count in HIS opinionatic world. But that comes from Traci and I not having many homeline friends, but we scores of online ones(at least the ones we can trust), while he has no online friends, but tons of homeline ones who just aren't worth the trouble anymore. Traci and I were also told that, "Dad and Pop would be ashamed of the way Traci, Mom, Nana and I treat him". Well if that's true then tell it to God, while the four of us women risked EVERYDAY doing things for those men in our lives, because that's what family does and also it comes from our heart BECAUSE WE LOVED THEM. But, where was he during all of this, nowhere to help, especially in something we had to do for both men that you would NEVER think you could/would do in your life, unless, you loved them with your pure heart of gold. I guess that makes all four of us women "Heartless" because that's what we've been called. Well, if taking care and loving your father and grandfather makes us heartless, then fine we're heartless, but don't go calling us that unless you've been through what we've experienced(and by that I mean helping us in those everyday needs). I will also tell you this as tears roll down my face right now, if it meant that I could have my father and grandfather back here on earth, even if they were sick and we had to do those things all over again, all four of us musketeer women would do it again without one single solitary question. I guess if a divorce is in the works for a moronic fool, then so be it, the four of these heartless "Musketeers" deserve better than what we're getting. So put that in your freaking pipe and smoke it! Sayonara everyone for this early morning! Dawnie

I Wonder?

I'm just wondering what relationships are worth anymore? I mean are they really worth the trouble and the pain. I'm beginning to believe that they're not. If you know what I'm talking about, let's hear a hell yeah. And people begin to wonder why I'm not in one at the moment, and gee, that could be anybody's guess. It's like most/some of the time they all come out of some damn copy machine and they are like robots with strings. Is there is a cutoff point to these strings or do they continue up the butt. I'm so sick and tired of the same conversations that get nowhere and is a continued basis of crap. I feel so bad for someone in my family who continues to get treated like crap over NOTHING. She's always in tears every single day over a relationship she's been in for a long time and it's not getting any better. What is a woman to do when nothing she does for her spouse is right? Every single thing she tries is for nothing, so apparently she is nothing in that spouse's eyes anymore. You know if this is what life is all about then God can have it, because this old lady wants nothing to do with it anymore or no part of it. It's like marriage is just a piece of paper and love is shoved out the window because things aren't given on demand. Apparently some marriages are a dictatorship and certain spouses should "obey" orders that are given. I guess most women are merely just foot soldiers or slaves in some relationships and if they don't fall in line or on command, they just simply aren't good wives or maybe it's just the fact that some women(names are not important, *wink, wink*) are stuck to their so called laptops, because now laptops are the issue. It's always something that's the issue and it's neverending. There are always excuses for every little thing and none of them makes any sense. Calgon, please take me away!

3D Power Blendz

Well, I finally got to go away for a couple of hours and do something that relaxed me yesterday. Traci, Jason and I went to see some wrestlers in Melbourne, Florida. One of the Team 3D wrestlers named Devon was opening a brand new smoothie shop 3D Power Blendz there and we decided to go and see them. We got to see Devon, Maven and few guests were there too. It just so happened that Matt Bentley, Jamie Noble and a surprise guest was there. It was Chris Jericho. OMFG, he looked amazing and hot! He was so sweet in person too. Jason got to shake his hand and talk about his band, Traci got to stare in his gorgeous blue eyes and I got to talk to him. I was flustered the rest of the day and Traci's face was so red because she was blushing. We also actually rubbed elbows with Matt Bentley. We got pics and autographs too, in which we will scan them and I will put them in my pics later. It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad we went. I needed that good time after the crappy week I've had(long story, I don't want to get into). Here's the link to their myspace for Team 3D. http://www.myspace.com/team3dacademy


What is it about some men that drives you crazy? I know I'm not in a relationship at the moment, but why do they constantly have to be an ass? I mean is it something they inherit or do they rise to that occasion when something you say is correct or they're inaccurate. I'm so "drained" and tired of "excuses" that make no common sense. It's as if the lights are on and nobody's home. The simpliest decision or conversation always has to be the hardest thing to explain or say and they're always right. Believe me, I love my men, but I'm not too positive on being in a relationship right now considering my brother-in-law's not all there in the head. I mean he just irritates me about how at first he wanted Traci to NOT get a job, now all because the "MORONS" at his work say that maybe she should get one, it's all a written gospel. I mean seven years ago it was NEVER an issue, now because they utter a single sentence it MUST be done. Need I tell you that these are the same people our father worked for, in which they treated him fine until he got sick with cancer. Then they just wrote him off and didn't have the time to come see him at the hospital or even at our home or treat him with the dignity that he deserved in spades. Especially with all the crap he helped them with and done for them, and NOW they are the chosen kings because of their ideas(which mean NOTHING to me and Traci, considering their treatment they gave our father). I just don't get it or understand it. It's like I said before "the lights are on, but nobody's home". It's been an issue for Traci and you know who the past couple of weeks and need I remind you it just came out of nowhere and makes no sense. We are having slight money issues as of the moment, but I've had worse in the past and as I'm pretty sure there will be more in the future, but that's NO REASON to suddenly change with one conversation. He also wants her to work certain hours and times, but when we try to say that it doesn't work like that he says that it can. Yet these simple terms he doesn't agree with or listen to, it's as if women don't know anything. If Traci decides to do this it will be when SHE wants to work and the place she HAS to work at. Also now he wants to go on interviews with her but I ask you how is that possible when he has to work 8 hours a weekday? Can you please give me an answer?! Anyways I'm so sorry for the incessant rambling, but writing in these blogs makes me feel so much better and I'm also gonna apologize for cursing but that is how I feel. Please forgive me and pray for Traci.
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