42 Year Old
From Wheelersburg, OH·
Invited by: wildslide692003·
Joined on February 9, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 2nd
·4 referrals joined!
42 Year Old
From Wheelersburg, OH·
Invited by: wildslide692003·
Joined on February 9, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 2nd
·4 referrals joined!
Hey folks. I finally found where you put all the 'about me' stuff. Woooot! I'm good!
So, I'm sitting here wondering what the hell to write. Hmmm, now that's a tough one. I guess I could just... Ramble on for a bit and tell ya'll a little about who I am.
Sad thing is, I don't have time to ramble. Hah! Crazy I know, but it happens.
So here it is in a nut shell...More or less.
I'm 24 going on 44 it seems. I'm a momma and I love my baby boy to death. He's 3. That kid cracks me up. He's one of the funniest people I know. Crazy, but it's true. His name is Brandon for those of you that actually care ta know. But I call him Boog and Bub. He's my little red headed man. Looks like his momma too. Got lucky on that one. ;)
I'm six foot one. Whoah, now that is crazy huh? That's why they call me Amazon. I got tagged with the nic name in high school.
I play guitar. Yeah, I'm one of those 'lady rockers' except I belt out some blues too. Love to play the blues. Love it! Love to play period. I've got an electric guitar. Nothing special, it's just an Ion. But hey whatever works right? I'm aiming to get a copy of Stevie Ray Vaughn's guitar Lenny. Now that, that was a beauty. :D
I like to draw. Just different shit. The link is www.mandanyght.deviantart.com poke around in through there and tell me what ya think. I'm always open for suggestions on bettering my art. (If that's what you call it.)
I'm a smart ass, I'm sorry if I ever offend anyone, I don't intend on it. But I've done it before unintentionally, I’m sure I’ll do it again.
I like tattoos and I have a few myself. Yeah I’ll take some pictures of ‘em for ya’ll. But they ain’t no where you’d be… Ohhhhin’ and Ahhhin’. So I wouldn’t worry none on that. :P
Well that’s it for now folks. Have fun.
42 Year Old
From Wheelersburg, OH·
Invited by: wildslide692003·
Joined on February 9, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 2nd
·4 referrals joined!
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