One day someone special will be gone.And on that clear, cold morning,in the warmth of your room,you might be struck withthe pain of learning that sometimesin life the most important things get lost along the way.No more hugs,no more lucky moments to celebrate together,no more phone calls just to chat,No more"just one minute."No more smiles, laughs or silly jokesSometimes, what we care about the most goes away.never to return before we can say good-bye,Say"I Love You" to that special friend or partner.We all need to feel love, 'be' loved by friends or someone close.So while we have it . . it's best we love itAnd care for it and fix it when it's brokenand take good care of it when it's sick.This is true for marriage .... and friendships ...And children being children;And dogs with bad hips;And aging parents and grandparents.We keep them because they are worth it,Because we cherish them!Some things we keep --like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with.There are just some things that make us happy, No matter what.Life is important,and so are the people we know.And so, we keep them.I received this from someone todaywho thought I was a 'KEEPER"!Then I sent It to the people I Think of in the same way!Now it's your turn to send this to all those peoplewho Are"keepers"You're a very special person..............
Sending you some sweet smiles to make your day bright, some sweet messages to make you feel alright, because you are a great FRIEND who I think of and care, you are a PERFECT FRIEND like a precious gem that is so rare!!! have a perfect Tuesday my dear FRIEND!!!RIDE SAFE HARLEY
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