44 Year Old
From Brandon, FL·
Invited by: Bubba·
Joined on February 4, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 3rd
·9 referrals joined!
44 Year Old
From Brandon, FL·
Invited by: Bubba·
Joined on February 4, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 3rd
·9 referrals joined!
umm, i chill & chat ALOT on Yahoo Messenger and MSN... I'm a member of www.hotornot.com and www.bangme.net and www.bebo.com and other places like that!! w00t! lol, ummm I LOVE movies (warez will never die!), ummmm I do web design, college student in 2nd-3rd year goin for Developmental Psychology... uhhh, love to party and get fucked up (I dont drink tho, only socially, lmao, sry Fubie /kisses) HAHA!!! ummm , e-mail or contact me via my profile to find out more... i am VERY open-minded.. I have a mic and webcam... holla :D
44 Year Old
From Brandon, FL·
Invited by: Bubba·
Joined on February 4, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 3rd
·9 referrals joined!
umm, i chill & chat ALOT on Yahoo Messenger and MSN... I'm a member of www.hotornot.com and www.bangme.net and www.bebo.com and other places like that!! w00t! lol, ummm I LOVE movies (warez will never die!), ummmm I do web design, college student in 2nd-3rd year goin for Developmental Psychology... uhhh, love to party and get fucked up (I dont drink tho, only socially, lmao, sry Fubie /kisses) HAHA!!! ummm , e-mail or contact me via my profile to find out more... i am VERY open-minded.. I have a mic and webcam... holla :D
fuck country... mostly Rap, Hip Hop and R & B, some rock and metal/punk/emo/oldskool Industrial, etc. is tight too... techno is for teeny-boppin, bubble-gummers... keep the glowsticks the fuck away from me and I don't need a dude to "rub my head" or "blow me up harder..."
Video Games
ANY PS3 or PC Games... Wow and ALL God of War games.... Heavenly Sword and Devil May Cry 4 are the games I'm currently gaming...
Welcome to fubar!Stop by DIABLO'S DEN...We play lot's of old Rock...and new Rock...Stop in and get SH*T FACED...Just click the pic and it takes you there...