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37 Year Old · Female · From Johnson City, TN · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 12th · I have a crush on someone!
37 Year Old · Female · From Johnson City, TN · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 12th · I have a crush on someone!

SO YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT ME ...Jessica Renee is MY nameIM 20 yrs of agesmall town country girl.i have brown hair & brown eyes.i'm far from single & my <3 is very much taken.i love to tan.i'm a very emotional person.i drive a black mits. eclipsei'm a very down to earth kind of girl.you can almost always find me in a good mood.i love to laugh & i love to smile & i adore anyone who can make me do both.i am a very opinionated person. i always have to say what's on my mind.i am a very indecisive person.my family is number one in my life. then comes my friends.i'm not like any other girl you've met before, whether you choose to believe so or not.i love to sing & dance.i am often "hated" on by random biotches who have nothing better to do.i am the highlight of any party.i couldn't live a day without music!i am a way talkative person.i don't ever get jokes until everyones done laughing.i have many people i talk to & hang out with, but only a few i really consider my "real" friends.i'm allergic to bullshit, s0 don't bother tryin' to feed me any.i could possibly be someone's newest addiction, if you got to know me.i hate liars & fake people.PINK is by far my favorite color.sure, i enjoy dancin' in my underwear."house" is my all-time favorite t.v. show.my son is totally my best friend.people tend to get the completely wrong idea about me.haters suck! i tend to have some.if i break a nail i'm not going to cry, but i am def. not goin' to like it, ha.i love me some scary movies. but only if someone watches them with me.i am a totally addicted to the show laguna beach.i'm a white girl w/ sum junk in her trunk. don't hate.i tend to always "look" like someone you may think you know, but no chances are you don't know me.i seriously am one of the most random people you'll ever meet.i don't open up to just anyone. you have to work for that.seven is my lucky number.curv crush is my favorite perfume. along w/ many others.i only drink corona and love me some jack and jose!!!So0o0o U WANNA KNOW more BOUT ME i see?? i'M FUN. GET TO KNOW ME. U'LL AGREE =]EVERYONE KNOWS ME. OR AT LEAST KNOWS OF ME.i lovE MEETiNG NEW PPL.i LOVE MAKiNG NEW FRiENDSiF U HAVE A PROBLEM WiTH THAT..FUCK OFFi AM 150 % taken ?ii'M so head over heals in LOVE.?i LOVE MY FRiiENDS && WHAT FAMiLY i CLAiM MORE THEN ANYTHiNG.iF i GiVE U A COMPLiMENT,DON'T TAKE iT WRONG.i'M NOT LiKE EVERY OTHER GURL U KNOW.i'M ME,NOTHiNG MORE OR LESS.i'M COMPLiCATED,BUT SiMPLE.i'MA BiTCH,BUT THE BiGGEST SWEETHEART.i'M EXTREAMLY OPiNiONATED.i'M HYPOCRiTiCAL AT TiMES.i'M SHY,YET OUTGOiNG.i'M CRAZY,iiN A GOOD WAY.i'M CONFUSiiNG,YET REALLY EASY TO FiGURE OUT.i'M EXTREAMLY HONESTiF U PiSS ME OFF,U WiLL KNOW.i'M CONFiDENT,AND COCKY,YET REALLY SELF-CONSCiOUS.i'M LOUD,BUT QUiET.i CUSS,ALOT.DO i CARE iF YOU DON'T LiKE ME? NOT AT ALL.i SMOKE.i DRiNK.i DON'T FORGiVE THiNGS EASY.i DON'T TRUST PPL EASY. U HAVE TO EARN iT.im a mother of 3i TRUST VERY FEW PPL. && PLAN TO KEEP iT THAT WAY.i CAN BE UR BEST FRiEND,OR UR WORST ENEMY. U OFFEND ME,i'LL OFFEND U RiGHT BACK.MUSicK iS by far my LiFE.i GET BORED EASY.i'M NOT A KiD,i DON'T PLAY GAMES.i HAVE THE BiiGGEST HEARTii JUST DON'T && WON'T SHOW iT.i HAVE A SOFT SiDE,BUT U MORE THEN LiKELY WON'T SEE iTiF U HURT ME,CONGRATULATiONS,not many ppl get the chancei HAVE ALOT OF PPL i TALK TO. BUT VERY FEW i CONSiDER ACTUAL FRiENDS.i TEND TO BE HiGH MAiNTENANCE.and 9 chances outta 10 you cant aford me but only he can!!

37 Year Old · Female · From Johnson City, TN · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 12th · I have a crush on someone!
my interests are my kids and my fiance chris... im a full time mother and i do work im trin to get back into school so i can give our kids a better life then we had growin up...chris was in the army and im plannin on joinin the army myself hopefully this time next yr ill be on base!!!once i get to base imma go to school and study my criminal justice!!!
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  • 16 years ago · Reply
  • nutty69soccormom06
    Thank you my beautiful Jessica!@--->-----------:-)

    16 years ago · Reply
  • OguardiansHavensoccormom06

    Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!

    Learn more about me here

    16 years ago · Reply
  • NeaNea CRUSH ME...soccormom06
    HEY HOW ARE YOU? I just stoped by to show some love by rating your profile a 10..I am outta 11's right now tho but Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too.If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.PLEASE do not rate anyone anything under a 10. On this website rating people is about RESPECT.Its always a 10 or 11.If you need any help by all means send me a private message and I will do the best I can to help you out with whatever it is that you have a problem with on the site.PLEASE Remember to always return what a person gives you weather its a rate or a comment or whatever... Cause it helps us both get points and helps us gain our levels.I love new friends and fans too, so feel free to add me :PWELCOME TO FUBAR!..*HUGS*~*~NEABEAR~*~

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ soccormom06

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ soccormom06
    welcome to fubar

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