57 Year Old
Joined on January 25, 2008
Born on July 10th
I am just A fella that is really level headed , a solo operator ,nocturnal and always look forward to my happy hour every friday nite at "piccodolo".....
i am not in a rush at anything because every move has to be calculated and precise one with a plan "B" if the need comes...
i am an advertiser, got a high tech studio where i live and also do consultancy jobs like recruiting models and an events and occasions....... so work most times carries me around the world, may i mention hear that I WOULD AND REPEAT LOVE TO GO TO AFRICA AGAIN........ its a goldmine there ;)
just be nice and be openminded when looking or checking me up
57 Year Old
Joined on January 25, 2008
Born on July 10th
i love sky diving and fishing....... cruising in my mazda 3 turbo engine......
i entertain people wit humongous sense of humor and a taste for style and class.....
crazy about john grisham's works and i listen to reggea...
i think the best movie soo far for me is SCARFACE (only thing in this world that gives orders is balls)