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Check out all the cool sh*t in the bling shop.
41 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 878744 · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 6th
41 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 878744 · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 6th

well im male age 24.I have long brown hair blue eyes and im medium build.i love archeology,photography,all alternative music,wearing gothic style clothing.I Love to read horror books and crime books,im also in to fantasy books.Also into poerty and the occults.I have been known to do battle reenactment and odd bit of modelling for various companies. likes absinthe,whiskey,sambukka,red wine,pernod,vodka and coke,all aftershock,apple juice,cola,bloodykiss and frog cocktails.sunrises and sunsets,tatoos and piercings,implants and branding,tombstone decorations,costume wings,vampires,fairies,pixies,swords and daggers,fantasy art surrealism art some sulptures.leather trench coats,victorian clothing,top hats,tricorn hats,corsets,spikey dog collars,whitby jet jewellry all types,pirate style clothing,new rock boots,transmuter boots,madfish and damia boots,peaked caps for fetish wear,mesh tops,lace gloves,lace arm warmers,victorian waist coats,velvet coats,all cyberdog clothing,all trad goth and cybergoth accessories,pirate flags,alchemy jewellry,spikey armlets,skulls,pentanle stuff,velvet curtains,pvc clothing,bondade tape and chains,bdsm,hair extentions,goth and cyber makeup all colours,tarrot cards,pagan cloaks,ritual kits,black roses,gothic mirrors,candles all colours,dragon statues and myths and magical ones,demonic posters, seeing mates meeting new people,graveyards,gothic churches,going to gigs and festivals,seeing my family,methoods of torture,letters from mates anne sudworth art,going to new places,

41 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 878744 · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 6th
archeology,photography,the occult and crime sence investigation,do modelling in trad or cyber goth styles
access denied,action direct,aiboforcen,all about eve,and one,angles and agony,assemblege23,astrovamps,ayria,allied vision,alice cooper,akercocke,arch enermy,afi,americanhead charge,bauhas,birmingham6,black tape for a blue girl,brother orchid,bloody dead and sexy,beborn beton,bridge and tunnel,beauitful deadly children,bow ever down,the cruxshadows,collide,covernant,cradel of filth,coal chamber,cult of luna.the deamside,dead stars,das ich,deathboy,death in june,diary of dreams,depeche mode,dimmu borgir,disturbed,dope stars inc,devil driver,dorvoset,ego likeness,eighteen visions,flowing tears,faith and the muse,fear factory,front242,gary numan,gothminster,ghost of lemora,the genitorturers,hungy lucy,hormony gardon,implant,ivys itch,inkusbus sukkubus,isis,janes addition,kittie,killswitch engage,kmfdm,korn,killing miranda,lord vampyre,libitina,little match girl,love is colder than death,lacuna coil,love like blood,moonspell,,midnight configuration,my ruin,misfits,murderdolls,manson,mortis,the mission,my dying bride,new order,neikka rpm,ozzy osbourne,opeth,otep,ordinary psyco,orgy,placebo,project pitchfolk,a perfect circle,pretenious moi,plastic noise experience,the realm,rome burns,razed in black,swarf,seasons end,sisters of mercy,suicide commando,switchblade symphony,slience is sexy,skinny puppy,softcell,system of a down,smashing pumpkins,evanescence,mushroomhead,theatre des vampire,torn paper dolls,this vale of tears,thou shalt not,type o negative,torture tekk,two witches,union underground,ultraviolence,venom,velvet acid christ,volitare,wasp factory,with out face,within temptaion,xpq21,.. carnivor,burzum,and others

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