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55 Year Old · Male · Invited by: TexasTwister · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Born on August 7th · 2 different people have a crush on me!
55 Year Old · Male · Invited by: TexasTwister · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Born on August 7th · 2 different people have a crush on me!

Current location:Massachusetts
Eye color:Blue
Hair Color:Brown
Band/Singer:Cradle of Filth, Rammstein, Draconian,
Song:too many
Genre of Music:Rock
TV show(s):Seinfeld, SVU, CSI, Simpsons, Two and a half Men, etc ....
Movie(s):toooooo many, I'm a big movie buff
Food:pasta, chicken, steak,
#:70 - 1
Clothing Brand:don't care
Shoe Brand:don't care
Animal:Dogs all the way !
Pizza topping:pepporini, sausage, meatball, mushroom
Season:I like them all in their own way
Holiday:Christmas (it's all about the kids)
Flower:ummmm .... a not dead one ?
This or That:
Sunny or rainy:Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla:Chocolate
Fruit or veggie:Fruit
Night or day:Both
Sour or sweet:sweet
Love or money:who says we can't have both ?
Phone or in person:depends ... I'm not a phone person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable:poor/happy
Looks or personality:personality
Coffee or tea:neither
Hot or cold:depends - hot soup but cold beer. Need both :-P
Goal for this year:Being the best dad I can
Most missed memory:My Jakers and my grandmothers
Best physical feature:my eyes so i hear - go figure
First thought waking up:I gotta pee ....
Do you wanna get married:I am married ...
Do you wanna have kids:I have 2 beautiful children
If so, how many:I maxed out at 2 and a snip snip later ... no more for me
Do you wanna go to college:I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering
What do you want to be:A great father ...
Do You:
Dance in the rain:not even if I was drunk
Drink:who me ?????
Shower daily:of course
Like thunderstorms:very much so
Curse:you bet your f*cking ass I do ...
Sing:only when nobody is listening
Play an instrument:a little guitar and piano (but it's been a while)
Think you are good looking:not really
Get along with your parents:yes
Other Questions:
Can you whistle:yep
Right or left handed:right
Your bedtime:whenever I fall asleep or pass out
Biggest fear:something bad happening to my kids
3 things you can't live without:my kids, my kids and my kids
Color of your room:brownish ????
Middle name:Michael
Pets:I used to have a golden retriever (Jake)
Nicknames:ummm ... Dad ???
For or against gay marriage:For ...
Thoughts on abortion:should be the woman's choice
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be:on a beach in the Carribean watching my kids play in the water (oh, and access to many drinks !!)
Do you wear contacts/glasses:yep, both ... not at the same time though
Are you afraid of the dark:only when the boogyman is after me ...

55 Year Old · Male · Invited by: TexasTwister · Joined on January 24, 2008 · Born on August 7th · 2 different people have a crush on me!

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85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

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