Joined on January 23, 2008
Born on January 1st
Well Hello, my name is Marco. I live in a small town named Star, for those that dont know its in the middle of North Carolina i live in the south but i talk Northern... why is that?
I was born (not raised) in New York
My First love starts with my cars i have a Ford F-350 custom (gas, not diesel), 3 Chevy Blazers, and a Chevy S-10 that my dad gave me when i was 15...
I dont like to tell my age as you can tell!!!
Joined on January 23, 2008
Born on January 1st
heyy :).. just stoppin by to show some love by rating your homepage a 10..Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too..If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.If not its ok!..(feel free to add me too if you wanna)Take Care -Ash xoxoxoxox