31 Year Old
From Metairie, LA·
Joined on July 23, 2019
Born on September 4th
31 Year Old
From Metairie, LA·
Joined on July 23, 2019
Born on September 4th
Latest Status
dcg5 ladies from 20-27 feel free to get to know me if u knew the signs I sudnt have to seed your emphasis im not in this by my self if u are a godfearing u need to speculate whom are what i meant about this Oracle n Sign this is not for those spiritualist who know about global warming and socialism sounds odd but i wont never in this world expose what I know unless u enact your self for godly gain instead of being condemned in our decentitising for unrighteous n defoul things I ask you whom understand god gave u LIFE so that u imagine ur purpose n give It away understand not the saying but the cometh of the higherorder higherconcess n higherenlightnment to come be not of despair for all things r to come blessed are those women who understand the sign n the purpose of 144000 be not confined in your faith or earthly desire I tell u my purpose is God driven no man can stand in the way of true it is a piercing asundeR
PLACIDUS144 wakeup CaLL
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