59 Year Old
Joined on January 14, 2008
Born on June 4th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
OK I guess it is time to fill this out and say a little something. First I am a true southern. Just what does that mean, it just means I was born in the South. Raised with manners and taught to respect others by both my parents. I was taught to treat a lady like a lady. Which means open doors take her by the hand protect her. However if you know a southern lady they can take care of themself just fine. But as a true southern I do have a redneck side that says if you want to go lets go. Talk is cheap and even a pussy has lips. But only a man has balls to act. Now lady dont think I am some male pig that is locked in the dark ages. It is not like that at all. I do believe a lady can do any thing a man can do. But why the hell should you? Now as far as the beautiful ladies that are on fubar. I can not believe my eyes. Some of you are like a suppermodel. Where are yall in real life?
As for me you can see what I look like. But a little more about me I am 6'1" 220# and yes I am a salesman for an electrical supply distribution. It is pretty boring but the people are great.
I like the mountians and driving thru the country. NASCAR is fun but Football rules. SEC Baby! I will play a round of golf. And my steak needs to have a red middle beer cold and by all means tea is sweet.
Well as you can tell from my bad spelling and incomplete sentance structre why I do not like to write.
If you want to know more please drop me a line and have a good day.
59 Year Old
Joined on January 14, 2008
Born on June 4th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
Southern Rock 70's rock soul blues Hank Williams, CDB, Hagger, Willie, Toby Keith, give me some country with attidude