66 Year Old
Invited by: 213912·
Joined on January 13, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 27th
One night a couple were laying in bed....The husband was feeling frisky so he rolled over and tapped wifey on the shoulder and started rubbing her arm!! I'm sorry darling but i have a gynaecologist appointment tomorrow and i want to stay fresh!! Rejected! the husband turns over and tries to sleep!!! A few minutes later he rolls over and whispers in her ear....Do you have a dentist appointment too! :-) Wow where do i start! Ive got 7 children who are nearly grown up...I know I know didnt i have a TV in my house well actually had 3 :-) Im very loving, loyal, compassionate and giving. The job i do will tell you what sort of babe i am.. working with MS Sufferers in there own homes, and I love to laugh as my sense of humour is fab..not good for the crows feet though :-( So quick witted and gorgeous what more could a man want hehe :-) x
66 Year Old
Invited by: 213912·
Joined on January 13, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 27th
Welcome to Fubar, left ya with a 10 or 11, and fanned ya...feel free to come by and do the same, add me if ya want....and as always have a good time on fubar!!! More GRAPHICS...