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62 Year Old · Male · From Timmins, ON, Canada · Joined on April 1, 2019 · Born on July 7th · I have a crush on someone!

I enjoy being around people , I'm a social butterfly , been married for 34 years and have 2 beautiful daughter that are married and need Dad in there life all the time. Been retired for 7 years and some . Yea I retired at 45 of age and had to return to work till are of 50. ok so I'm 56 darn love getting old lmao . I never had so little time to my self in life. Retirement my ass, I have become my wifes house bitch and yes I cook , run hot tubs , and pour the wine and vacuum the house.
Ok any man reading this dont laugh, the pay no hell , but the love is good and yes she spanks me if I need it, so if your not sure what to do just read above again treat any women in your life like a princess and love will come.
To any women reading this yes I'm on Fubar ,but so are you, so lets have fun and be friends .
Ok have to save some for the game ,,,,,,,,Cheers Dan

62 Year Old · Male · From Timmins, ON, Canada · Joined on April 1, 2019 · Born on July 7th · I have a crush on someone!
If you look at my picture you can see I enjoy doing metal art and set myself up before I retired, and enjoy playing and giving people stuff that last a life time, I sell and make all kinds of custom metal work. Going to ceate a album on it.
I listen to any music that I can sing to or hear the words to ,,,,ya country and old rock and roll ,,,,,just a old romantic type of guy.
I mostly like a good action pack movie, I'm not much for any movies , love the great outdoors.
hard working people ,,,,,,cheers
Video Games
I been a work aholic all my life, since I retired I take the time to do my marketing for metal art, don't play video game , but do spend time on auto cad doing design work for metal art ........cheers Dan

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