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Female · Joined on January 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 9th
Female · Joined on January 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 9th

was goodie dis aaliyah. sittin on mah cake is 14 candles. im not a youngin so get that out ya mind. if so then u must be to old to be on mah page. i live in fostoria ive been to hell & back i spill shit trip,and embarrass myself my life is messed up ive been threw more shit than you see on t.v but nobodys perfect but evrey hit was woth it because i knew it was real my life is real && im living it wrong everyday im fucking up && doing evreything opposite but do i regret one thing? NEVER because it was what i wanted && i got my wat i wanted,my life is mine && no stupid bitches or immature boys can mess it up anymore im the real deal & id like to see you try and break me.....my hair doesnt allways stay in place & i spill things ALOT im pretty clumsy & sometimes my heart is broken:( my friends and i sometimes fight:( & maybee some days nothing goes right but when i think about it & take a step back i remember how amazing life truly is & that maybee just maybee i like being unperfect so im the kind of girl you can hear from miles aways the kind that if your sad its my job to make you happy:D the kind of girl who keeps messing up and then says oops sorry:< i trip over evreything im such a cluttz & i get mad over the simpilest things but im also the girl who hold evreyting back if you =/ the girl whos afraid to love :< because she allready lost so much & nothing last forever so live it up;; drink it down laugh it off take chances & never have regtets becasue at one point evreything you did was exacly wanted you wanted lyfe is to short dont take it seriously because no one ever makes it out alive;/ haterzzzzz =). They makes me famous! yayaayy! They're cool =). (atleast they think soo, pshtt?) And i love people who talk shit when they don't even know me, they also make me pretty famous =). But If you don't know me, get to no me =). Before you go runnin' you're mouth about me, and makin' me famous and all that otherr cool stuff that you do for me =). I also love people who make up rumors, because they have nothingg better to do with their lame ass boringg lives, it makes me laugh =). muaahhhaahahaha ;). i don't trust veryy many people at all, because most people make me a promise just break it. I hate liars! expecially the ones that aren't even good at lien!! They are wackest things alive. I've been hurt before, i've had my heart broken by someone who i thought loved me! It sucks =/. After all i went through with that I learned not to make someone your everything because once their gone you have nothingg. But yeahh.. That's really all there is too knoww. And if you wanna know more just ask :].

Female · Joined on January 10, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 9th
my intrest are i love Boys/girls, chris brown is my baby daddz,ummm...i love taken pics and i love to hang wit the friends and fam.imma nice girl so hit me up

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    heyy :).. just stoppin by to show some love by rating your homepage a 10..Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10 too..If your not sure how just come to my page and the rate scale is right under my profile pic.If not its ok!..(feel free to add me too if you wanna)Take Care -Ash

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