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49 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on January 7, 2008 · Born on April 30th
49 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on January 7, 2008 · Born on April 30th

I'm currently on disability cause of my back issues, but I'm also going to school to get a job in the IT industry. I think its something I can do w/o having to worry about my back issues.
I'm a free spirit, playful and serious all at once. I'm a realist, not a half empty/full kinda girl. My sense of humor is sarcastic, and I take people for who they are, not for what they can do for me.
I LOVE books. I've read books my whole life, I cut my teeth on Stephen King in elementary school and have since read just about everything I can get my hands on. On occasion I'll go to a college book store and grab an American lit book. I haven't since I had a house fire, but I intend to do so soon.

49 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on January 7, 2008 · Born on April 30th
I like movies like Higher Learning, Princess Bride, Jackie Chan movies. I also like anime. In fact I like it so much I work a couple of local anime conventions just so I can see the new stuff coming out and decide what to buy should I get the cash for it.
Video Games
Being a computer geek I definitely play video games. ATM I play both Lord of the Rings Online and EQ2. I also play on Neopets when I don't feel like playing those. On occasion I'll go over to my parent's house and play Wii or PS2 with my little brother(14).

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