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25 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 22, 2019 · Born on November 30th
25 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 22, 2019 · Born on November 30th

Dog raping woman raping woman beater and burglary and thief and sorry coward who runs and falls twice from an ass whipping then cover my head with my shirt! Is what I am! Convicted rapist and 2 time loser.....proud of living off my mom's still and 41 years old! IBH and savage rep to

25 Year Old · Male · Joined on January 22, 2019 · Born on November 30th

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  • mistan9ne1 You piece of shit, all you are is a dog raping thief ex con o and woman beater who needs to go back to prison where u belong! .and I fucking dare you to come get my dogs ,bitch! When you pay us a couple grand back for all the dogfood we ve bought for them then I might think about it! But even then putting them down would be better than letting them go back to you and how you used to beat them and torture the poor animals! U know even when they are loose hell they love it here in my yard so much that even then they will roam in my fuking yard and won't dare go anywhere your way ! Because they know you are the piece of shit that's tortured them before! So fuck you and u don't deserve them... Besides u d have to pay us back for all the dogfood we ve bought a couple grand at least..which your broke ass 41 year old still living with your momma and stealing what doesn't belong to you dograping excon ass can't do....u think you're slick don't u? Well keep stacking that evidence u no fighting trip n fall twice runn
    4 years ago · Comment

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  • Someone ⇒ mistan9ne1
    Hello! Lets fuck tonight! Type girlsfuck.club in browser to see me naked :*14952510

    4 years ago · Reply
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