52 Year Old
From Atlanta, GA·
Joined on December 24, 2018
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on August 10th
Atlanta, GA native. SEO Consultant and Kung Fu teacher. Into making new friends; not into just "the game" of this site, but actually chatting and getting to know folks. Go on and take a chance; hit me up.
52 Year Old
From Atlanta, GA·
Joined on December 24, 2018
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on August 10th
SEO, Reading, dancing, mahjong, MMORPGs, my daughter, Singapore, Martial Arts
All kinds - but not formulaic soulless nonsense.
Video Games
MMORPG - I've tried a bunch, but when I pop in currently, it's usually one of these - Jade Dynasty, Age of Wushu, some browser-based cheesy ones. I play some Unreal Tournament '99 and Halo from time to time. I have a Wii (Classic) and play a bunch of different stuff on there. Hated it when Nintendo removed the network play.
I was prowling around Fu and your buttons looked like they needed pouncing! So I pounced them! Now I'm leaving you some kitty luvinz! Have a wicked 420!