Visit this page for my nude photos on my sexy profile!i just moved back to the area for school, im now working full time and trying to live life to the fullest! well as much as i can being that i live in a pretty laid back person, my friends all say i funny as hell, but ill let you be the judge of that.
Welcome to Fubar!Thought i drop by and say Hi! rated you a 10 too! If you could return the favor that would be GREAT!To rate you just click the cherries under the main pic(preferably 10 :)) and the friend and fan is just a line or two below that! Either way,hope 2008 is the best year yet!if you get a chance please check out my best friend too! shes a sweetheart!★ANGEL~BABY★®™(♡FU BAD B*TCH♡) ஐPLZ RATE MY PAGE..TYஐ @ fubar*smooches*~Temptress~ Get More at