To day will be simple.To day will be sweet.Today I send my heart to all my special ones.Today will be simple.Today will be sweet.Today I show my love, with kind words of my heart.Smile is needed to show a loving heart, a special gift.To my special ones I send my loving heart just for you to hold again.Today will be simple.Today will be sweet.The sweetest gift I can ever give is my loving heart to all my friends.
just showing some love and leaving your profile a 10if you could rate mine too that would be really nice of youfeel free to add me as a friend if you'd likei hope you're having a great week :)
My fantasists to be.My fantasists to see.Is my fantasists for you my special one, to be.A simple dream of whip cream and stwarrybereys to be.Ware were in that special place to be, you coved with whip cream all over your sweet lushes body.My fantasists to be.My fantasists to see.Is me licking whip cream from your body my special one to be.A simple dream of whip cream toped with stwarrybereys and my tongue slowly licking you all over your body .Making love is my dream, using whip cream and stwarybereys indeed My fantasists to be.My fantasists to see.Is us to be making love with whip cream and stwarybereys to be.A simple dream for me and you that one I want to luck all over with whip cream and stwaryberys.