People Ask me why i take pics from the internet and post them as rescued animals. I do this to show the animal as it was suppose to look. The pics I have of them are not so pretty. These pics are kept as evidence if charges are layed and used in a court of law. To post these would jepordise my cases. It would be considered as a conflict of interest and a violation of the suspects rights. So MeInTheShower get your facts right, know the law before you preach any more stories. you can post pics of animals you have nothing to do with is true. But it is fact i do rescue these creatures.My personal info is confidential but I will say this much. I work for the Government of Canada, I am a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer, in Enforcement and the Wildlife Rescue program. I have been here now for almost 40 years.
this is niteowl. be carful hun this guy that owns you likes to steal pics. the pic below belongs to jessica as she made it. MeInTheShower stole it from her. he will copy yours too. the evidence is before you. by what he posted below. He stole it from jessie, and he will rip yours too. he snuck into my fu-owned and bought up as many as he could. because i bought you back he stooped to stealing pics. imikimi - sharing creativity
Good afternoon AnnaLynn: I am Jack aka Niteowl: I rated your profile, a few pics, and liked you.I work for Canadian Wildlife Rescue, and here is another rescued creature of the night.Meet Syndi when I first rescued herHere she is as an adult Owl Lovin's~Hugs~Kisses~ Have a Wonderful Wednesday~ imikimi - sharing creativity
Welcome 2 the Fu. I left you a couple of 10’s to help get you started. Feel free to drop by my page if you have any questions about the site. Oh, yeah, Happy Boxing day as well.
This is how many act when Me In The Shower hasn't been around in a while.