28 Year Old
Joined on July 25, 2018
Born on April 28th
I'm 5"2 yeah, yeah well I LIKE my shortness if ya don't that's a you problem. I am from Mexico my ancestors are from Spain and Aztec Natives from Teotihuacán. I would describe myself as laid back really don't like getting into to drama, although people say i'm dramatic. Honestly just really realistic don't like playing games. A lot due to my bad anxiety condition which puts me on edge when people pressure me or not giving me space to come back. Really only looking for good friends who leave great memories. Nature is amazing I LOVE animals even if the're snakes which creep me out. Not really a big fan of insects unless they don't bite or do harm liikee ants, butterflies, worms. For a fact there's a little bit of geeky side to me which loves Technology and gadgets ect. Oops think I filled oout the intrests box! I have 1yr and 1/2 of college probably will go back when i'm 24 right now I have to take care of my baby/still pregnant..Hopefully god helps me and I can keep studying to be an IT yep computers lol! Inbox me for to know more about me, wish that we have a friendship!!
28 Year Old
Joined on July 25, 2018
Born on April 28th
Cinderella, Journey to the center of the world, The Mummy series, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, ELF, ECT.
Chris Pratt, Jim Carrie, Brad Pitt, The Rock, Jenny Lopez, ect lol
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Ailin Moreno Um so what is this? Is this kinda like Myspace hhah im new here..I be happy if someone told what this is :DD