This is mine n my wife profile!!!! We have 2 beautiful kids,Our daughter is 17 years old, her name is Janie, Our son is 14 years old, hes name is Roy.They are great kids! We are normal crazy fun family!!!! We are not into to guys, n we do not like to talk about our sexually life to anyone on here n we don't do sex talk to anyone on here, n NO NUDES PICS AT ALL!!!!!! If ya do, ya will be blocked!!!!! My name is Michelle, im 34 years old, im loving,fun,blunt as hell,My nick name is Crazy Bitch, n there is a reason y my nick name is that, dont mess with me, my wife, n my kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im in a healthy marriage to my wife, we r happy together! We got 3 dogs, Sam is a female, she is blue, white chihuahua mix with a mountin fice, she bout 5 years old.Arrow is a male, he is brown, tan, white mountin fice mix with a chihuahua, hes 3 years old, sam is the mother of arrow.Oreo is a male, he is black, white shitzu mix wit a mountin fice n chihuahua mix,he 2 years old, sam is the grandmother to oreo n arrow is the dad of oreo. Hey im Ashly, im Michelle wife, i usely go by Aj, Whitetiger or Dom, im changing my name to 25 years old, im a tomboy, i love to play guitar, base, fish, hunt, drawing, music, wildlife, nature, dirtbikes, fourwheeler, dare devil, basketball, wresteling, mudding, im jake of all trades, i love to do guys stuff, i think, walk n act like a guy!!!! Just dont mess with my wife michelle n my kids, we will get along fine but if u do, " U CROSS THE LINE, UR ASS IS MINE!!!!!" We dont like back stabber, lieing, 2 face n fake people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We r laid back people, crazy fun people! lolz