I'm a bit of a book worm. I'll read nearly anything. Some books take me a day, some take months. But anything by James Patterson or Christopher Moore is good by me.
I like loud shows, high energy people, and laughing til I think I'm gonna pee. I love my friends and family, they're about as high on the priority list as anything can get.
I love camping and hiking and a number of outdoorsy sorts of things. Living in Utah it comes naturally to me. We have mountains, deserts, fresh water and salt.. we've got it all as far as I'm concerned. No, I'm not a mormon.
I'm here as an alternative to the myspace,livejournal blah, blah, blah... just looking for people that can amuse me on one level or another, really.
Music? Yes.I listen to pretty much anything but mexican polka. Graphics