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60 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 6, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 26th
60 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 6, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 26th
60 Year Old · Female · Joined on December 6, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 26th
I got this in my email today on my space please pass it along to other ladies. I knew he was a lire but never knew he could be like this to anyone.He also has a profile on here under a nother name. Ladies please passs this alog to others. I have been told he has done this to about 33 ladies so far he comes off strong and will not give up untill he has to in bed,he does not use protection either, and trying to control you.Telling you about how he is going to get alot of money,his ex being gay leaving him for another lady,He will tell you right from the start how much he loves you.It's nothing but lies.He will try to move right in with you. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REPOSTE THIS before he trys to hurt anyone else. warning from a good woman Body: am trying to warn other women about this Stefan Guy so they do not be played like I was. I hooked up with him last week and fell for his lies. He filled my head full of hopes and dreams. Said every thing a woman wants to hear, and I fell for it . I am so gullable and wants to beleive in people so much. He swept me off my feet. He right away said he loved me and wanted to marry me and was ready to move into my house and take care of me. After he spent the night here sunday he was with another woman I chatted with on myspace. When we both tried to confront him about it he turned into a pussy.Please watch yourself and don't fall into the trap I did. I don't know why he has to hurt innocent and decent women for. He tracked me down and bugged me till I gave into him. His name is Stefan from Owensboro, real name is David though. Good luck.

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